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Better sleeping patterns for better learning

By September 3, 2019No Comments

On average children should be getting around 9 – 12 solid hours of sleep each night. It is known that screen time can really affect how the brain slows down and switches off at night, so practicing and preaching good sleeping patterns can really improve a child’s behavior, as well as overall mood. 

Here are some links to worksheets that you can tell your students to take home to help prompt parents to keep an eye on how much quality sleep their children are getting. 

A lack of quality sleep can be distressing on students, especially if they don’t understand what is causing the fatigue. Many parents have also experienced stressful periods due to not understanding why their children may or may not be performing to the best of their ability. 

With the promotion and conversation around healthy sleeping habits in the classroom, you are also helping parents get across to their children why sleep is so important. Conversations and dialogue that happens in the classroom generally aid parents at home with their own teachings and habit-building techniques. And let’s be honest, child or adult, sleep deprivation can put anyone in a real funk.